1. #New trends in dynamic system theory and economics
پدیدآورنده :
موضوع : ، Statics and dynamics )Social sciences(-- Congresses,، Control theory-- Congresses,، System theory-- Congresses
۲ نسخه از این کتاب در ۲ کتابخانه موجود است.
2. The economics of power system relialility and planning, Theory and case study
Author: / Mohan Munasinghe, With contributions by Walter G. Scott and Mark Gellerson
Library: Central Library and Archive Center of shahid Beheshti University (Tehran)
Subject: Electric power systems - Reliability - Economic aspects,Electric utilities - Underdeveloped areas
Classification :
3. The economics of power system relialility and planning, Theory and case study
Author: Mohan Munasunghe, Walter G. Scott, Mark Gellerson
Library: Library of the Faculty of Economics University of Tehran (Tehran)
Subject: Electric power system-Meliability-Economic aspects,Underdevelopment areas-Electric utilities-Case sutdies
Classification :